Dutch policy instruments for aid and trade
The Dutch government supports and encourages the development of livestock production in emerging economies by means of a range of policy instruments.
These instruments operationalize the 2013 revised policy on development cooperation. In this policy the field of aid is combined with that of trade and investment. The ambition is to eradicate extreme poverty, to promote sustainable and inclusive growth, and to facilitate success for Dutch companies doing business abroad.
The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (or in Dutch, Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland) carries out policy and subsidy programmes for the Dutch ministries of Economic Affairs and of Foreign Affairs. Check out the Netherlands Enterprise Agency website for the latest updates on funds and subsidies.
Public-private partnerships
Cooperation between the government, the private sector, knowledge institutes, and civil society organisations is increasingly at the centre of Dutch development policy. The aim of public-private partnerships (PPPs) is to work together to achieve joint development goals and to improve aid effectiveness in an innovative way, by combining and strengthening knowledge, capacities, and resources. The Dutch government no longer plays the traditional role of donor, but sees itself as a full partner.
PPPs are a means, not an end in themselves. They are partnerships between the government and the private sector, which agree to work together towards a common goal or to perform a specific task, and to share the risks and responsibilities. The Netherlands hopes these partnerships will build bridges worldwide.
Development cooperation
Dutch government development cooperation is using various channels. Most of it is distributed through bilateral channels like the Dutch embassies abroad, multilateral channels like the World Bank and the United Nations, and civil society organisations.
The private sector is becoming an increasingly important partner in development. Next to supporting the role of the private sector in development cooperation, the Netherlands government will continue to assist non-partner countries via multilateral funds (like those of the UN and the EU), non-governmental organisations, and programmes such as the Stability Fund and the Human Rights Fund.
The Netherlands government focusses its bilateral development relations on 15 partner countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Benin, Burundi, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, the Palestinian Territories, Rwanda, Sudan, Uganda, and Yemen.
There is a great variety of opportunities for development of livestock production between countries. This website focus on countries in Asia and Africa with potential for Dutch investment and cooperation in the livestock sector. These include Turkey, Russia, China, India, Vietnam, Nigeria, and South Africa.
In countries with an Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Agricultural Counsellor (Landbouwraad) or Assistant Agricultural Counsellor can be a valuable resource and contact person for agribusiness.
Further reading
- Multi annual strategic plans of relevant embassies – see embassy websites or NL government website.
- See library