Opportunities in Africa
Opportunities for livestock investment include:
- Veterinary aspects: capacity building; production and control of veterinary inputs
- Animal genetics: facilitation of the development of regional centres of excellence and genetic value addition to local breeds as well as capacity building
- Institution building: organisation of producers; to reduce transaction costs that result in high prices of fresh milk and high imports of milk; promote the gender approach
- Training: promote networks of regional institutions for research and training in veterinary science and medicine
- Value chain development: development of private regional initiatives and improvements in processing of animal products; support and strengthen product marketing strategies
Opportunities for livestock investment include:
- Ghana imports a range of animal derived products from the Netherlands, of which chicken meat, margarine, oil seed and milk are the most important
- Enhance performance of indigenous breeds through a program of selection, as well as capacity building
- Improve access to quality feed and water.
- Develop commercial poultry to improve meat supply in the short term, while transforming smallholder production into profitable enterprises.
- Structure the institutional cooperation of actors in the cattle, meat and dairy sector; promote partnership initiatives and outsourcing in meat and dairy value chains
- Veterinary training; promote networks of regional institutions for research and training in veterinary science and medicine, enabling environment for intensive urban and peri-urban livestock farming
- Supply of fodder, medicines, concentrates, and services
- Support and strengthen product marketing strategies; advocate fair trade, processing and marketing; increase awareness on food safety and public health.
Opportunities for livestock investment include:
- Support emergence of medium-sized family farms with investments in technology and management.
- Opportunities in input & service supply, including feed & fodder production & distribution, AI services, disease control systems, heifer supply, credit, equipment (for fodder, chilling & milking, processing, transportation, milk dispensing ), manure management
- Focus on demand driven capacity development and practical training adapted to local circumstances
- Establish abattoirs that fit internationally accepted standards in order to enhance international competitiveness of the meat sector
- Continue efforts in development of smallholder dairy farming, combining the expertise from development cooperation with private sector development. Support the development of formal value chains and linking smallholder farmers to these value chains
- Support camel milk production, especially for of pastoralist societies
- Help conservation of indigenous breeds and support increase in yields of indigenous breeds.
Opportunities for livestock investment include:
- Milk collection centres
- Transportation tankers and tanker cleaning facilities
- Unpackaged pasteurized milk distribution system
- Upgrade of Informal Actors into Mini Dairies
- Upgrade of existing dairy plants
- Integrated farming/processing dairy business.
Opportunities for livestock investment include:
- Supply chains with smallholder inclusion (dairy farming, various poultry systems) - Increased donor support to develop dairy and meat sector. This will give spin off for input (AI, semen, feed) and equipment suppliers (cooling & slaughter house equipment). Policy priority has changed in favour of smallholder systems. Policy envisions an increasing role for private sector. Creation of special labels and trade-marks of niche-products based on local (poultry) breeds.
- Animal genetic resources and animal health - Support creation of special labels and trade-marks of niche-products based on local breeds. Animal disease control programs.
- Link up with expertise developed by development cooperation. Opportunities for NL agribusiness will increase due to donor support for livestock development. Significant donor investments occur in the dairy and cattle meat industry (US, Netherlands, Canada). Spin off include supply of AI equipment, semen, feed, equipment (cooling equipment, slaughter house equipment ), and vocational training.
- Training and education - Demand driven capacity development with emphasis on practical training adapted to local circumstances and addressing the various animal productions systems. Further expansion of the universities will continue to generate demands for higher education of university staff (PhD studies) and curriculum development around livestock production.
Opportunities for livestock investment include:
- improving reliability of milk collection in smallholder dairy milksheds and traditional high density production areas
- variable milk pricing (wet and dry season)
- dairy technology - variety in dairy products and long-life products
- import of milk powder for continuous processing
- input supplies (premixes, milk replacer, AI and bulls, animal health service)
- improving business climate and regulations
- settlement and cross breeding in suitable areas
- capacity building.
South Africa
Opportunities for livestock investment include:
Suggested reading
- van der Lee et al. 2013. Livestock, the Dutch, and the world, Wageningen UR Livestock Research.
- van ‘t Hooft, 2013. Country reports for Livestock, the World and the Dutch, Wageningen UR Livestock Research.
- Nell, 2013. Quick scan dairy sector Tanzania no link at internet
- Van der Lee et al, 2013. Quick scan West Africa
- Agriterra, 2012. Identification of livestock investment opportunities in Uganda.
- Ghana - Netherlands bilateral relations. Multi Annual Strategic Plan 2012 – 2015. www.rijksoverheid.nl/...publicaties/...ghana/meerjarige-strategische-plan.
- Makoni, N; Mwai, R; Redda, T; Zijpp, A. van der; Lee, J. van der. 2013. White Gold; Opportunities for Dairy Sector Development Collaboration in East Africa. Centre for Development Innovation, Wageningen UR (University & Research centre). CDI report CDI-14-006. Wageningen