Livestock International Links
The Netherlands - key sector networking organizations
Dutch Dairy Centre | The Dutch Dairy Centre (DDC) is a network of companies based in the Netherlands that supply a wide range of products and services to the international dairy industry for farmers, farmer co-operatives, dairy processors, and input suppliers. |
Poultry Expertise Centre | Poultry Expertise Centre - a partnership of private-sector companies, local governments and educational institutes, operating internationally in the poultry industry. The Centre focuses on the development and diffusion of knowledge and innovations for issues in the international poultry industry. |
Swine Innovation Centre (VIC) Sterksel | VIC Sterksel - Swine Innovation Centre - a research centre for innovative and sustainable pig husbandry, both in the Netherlands and abroad. |
The Netherlands - other networking organizations
Agri-Profocus | Agri-ProFocus is a network of organisations and companies that gather, train, connect and provide inputs and credit to farmer entrepreneurs and producer organisations. |
BoP Inc | The BoP Innovation Center (BoPInc) accelerates inclusive innovations in low-income markets. Inclusive innovations serve the demand of the poor and create shared value for all stakeholders involved. BoPInc incubates innovations, shares learnings and improves the enabling environment. |
Netherlands African Business Council | NABC is a network organization for the Dutch private sector active in Africa, with extensive experience in the field of doing business in Africa. |
International - networking organizations
Community of Practice for Pro-Poor Livestock Development | The Portal of the Community of Practice for Pro-poor Livestock Development (CoP-PPLD) is an on-line sharing network for practitioners, managers, researchers and other actors involved in pro-poor livestock development that want to exchange experiences, innovative approaches, best/next practices and other knowledge. |
Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock | The Global Agenda of Action (the Agenda) is a partnership of livestock sector stakeholders committed to the sustainable development of the sector. It brings together representatives from the public and private sector, producers, civil society and non-governmental organizations, research and academia, and inter-governmental organizations. |
Inter-agency donor group on pro-poor livestock research and development | The IADG was formed to encourage greater collaboration between all donor institutions involved in supporting pro-poor livestock research and development. It aims to facilitate such an activity primarily through convening 2-3 day annual meetings on discreet contemporary topics/themes identified by its members. |
Seas of Change Initiative | The Seas of Change Initiative is a learning and research initiative that has arisen from discussions between a group business players, development agencies and researchers. The focus of the initiative is on how businesses with the right support from government, donors, NGOs and research can scale up inclusive agri-food market development to ensure food security for 9 billion people and help to tackle poverty. |
Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Platform | The Sustainable Agriculture Initiative (SAI) Platform is the main food industry initiative supporting the development of sustainable agriculture worldwide. |
Sustainable Food Lab | The mission of the Sustainable Food Lab is to accelerate the shift of sustainable food from niche to mainstream. Businesses are integrating sustainability into their value chains - from the consumer in the supermarket through to the farmers who grow crops and raise animals. |
Manure Management Kiosk | Creation of awareness amongst key stakeholders such as farmers and policymakers, capacity to implement best practices and policies enabling improved manure management by integration of practices into livestock systems to reduce harmful emission, capture methane and optimize nutrient utilization to enhance food security and sustainable development |
FAOSTAT | The division of FAO that collects and publishes statistics per commodity per country |
OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook | A website that brings into the public domain information used and generated by OECD and FAO in the field of agricultural market outlook. |
Knowledge Institutes for Research, Advice & Education - The Netherlands
Christian Agricultural College Dronten | CAH Vilentum University of Applied Sciences is a professional education institute offering BSc and professional MSc programmes. In the programmes offered, professionals prepare for their careers in the knowledge domains of agriculture, food, horticulture, agribusiness and animal science. |
Dairy Campus | At Dairy Campus various research, universities and training institutes come together and offer education and training, from stockmen to PhD level. |
Dairy Training Centre | Dairy Training Centre is a national and international training centre for dairy farming and dairy processing. It is conncected to Dairy Campus. |
Dutch Poultry Centre | Poultry Expertise Centre - a partnership of private-sector companies, local governments and educational institutes, operating in the poultry industry. |
NIZO | "NIZO food research is an independent private contract research company that assists food and ingredient companies to make better foods and be more profitable. " |
Nordwin College | "Nordwin College is a vocational education centre. It offers preparatory secondary vocational education (roughly comparable to Key Stage 3 and 4) in Buitenpost, Heerenveen, Leeuwarden and Sneek for pupils who have completed primary school. It offers secondary vocational education on four different levels to students who have completed secondary school. " |
PTC+ | PTC+ supports the development of individual professionals and business organizations. PTC+ offers advice and carries out complete development projects which are totally geared to the company or the individual. |
Rabobank Food & Agribusiness Research | Rabobank Food & Agribusiness Research and Advisory is Rabobank’s global F&A Knowledge Provider. It comprises a global team of analysts that accumulates knowledge in major F&A sectors, issues and trends. This knowledge is used within the bank and shared with clients and stakeholders. |
RIVM | Through its research, operations and support, RIVM promotes public health and a clean and safe living environment. |
Schothorst | Schothorst Feed Research (SFR) is an independent private research and consultancy institute for animal nutrition, dedicated to assist its clients in the development and implementation of nutritional knowledge into profitable and innovative feed concepts that are socially acceptable. |
Swine Innovation Centre (VIC) Sterksel | VIC Sterksel - Swine Innovation Centre - a research centre for innovative and sustainable pig husbandry, both in the Netherlands and abroad. |
University Campus Fryslân | Alongside research activities in the field of water technology and management, multilingualism, tourism and life sciences, the International Graduate and Research School UCF provides supplementary teaching to PhD students . |
VanHall Larenstein | Applied University Van Hall Larenstein (VHL) offers BSc Applied Master in Innovative Dairy Management, Life Sciences, and Dairy Processing. |
Wageningen UR | Wageningen UR is a research institution that focuses on the domain ‘healthy food and living conditions’. WUR develops top-quality expertise; and also helps translate our knowledge into practice worldwide. Wageningen UR conducts research for governments and companies all over the world. WUR provides professional training and has facilities available. Most relevant institutes for the international livestock sector are Livestock Research, CVI, FBR, LEI, and CDI. |
International organizations
FAO | Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations |
Dairy Asia | |
Dairy Gateway | |
IFAD | International Fund for Agricultural Development of the United Nations |
ILRI | International Livestock Research Institute, part of the CGIAR Consortium, a global agricultural research partnership |
OIE | The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) is the intergovernmental organisation responsible for improving animal health worldwide |