Your partner for proficiency testing and reference materials
What is Proficiency testing?
Proficiency testing determines the performance of individual laboratories for specific tests or measurements and is used to monitor laboratories’ continuing performance. Proficiency testing is also called interlaboratory comparison. Proficiency testing compares the measuring results obtained by the participating laboratories.
- WEPAL-QUASIMEME is part of Wageningen Research, the Netherlands (Chamber of Commerce no. 09098104) and offers accredited proficiency testing programmes in environmental matrices for laboratories world-wide.
- Accreditation is according to ISO17043 and granted by the Dutch Accreditation Council RvA a co-signatory to the ILAC and IAF Multilateral Agreements.
WEPAL-QUASIMEME Proficiency tests
Soil - ISE
All soil types
Freshwater sediment - SETOC
Marine Sediment
Sediments from river, harbor, estuary and open sea
Freshwater and wastewater
High and low salinity seawater, estuarine water and freshwater
Plants - IPE
Dried plant materials e.g. crops, leaves, grain
Fish (liver), mussel and shrimp tissue
Shellfish toxins
Amnesic, lipophillic and paralytic shellfish toxins
Manure & Compost - MARSEP
Compost, (dry) sewage sludge, organic fertilizers
Biomass - BIMEP
Proximate/ elementary analysis
Special excercises
Special (development) exercises
Services on request
- General Terms & Conditions
- Scientific Advisory Board