3rd Research Programme Meeting

On the mornings of 2nd and 3rd March, FACCE ERA-GAS organised a Research Programme Meeting and a Stakeholder-led Workshop. The aim was to explore what key learnings the research projects co funded by FACCE ERA GAS and the European Commission have for policy, research and practice to achieve climate action and to reflect on how R&I can be leveraged for transformative change and co-delivery of climate targets
2-3 March
Virtual Zoom Meeting
Hosted by Wageningen University and Research
Chaired by Helen Carroll, external moderator
Speakers included:
Peter Wehrheim Head of Bioeconomy Food Systems, DG R&I, European Commission
Kerstin Rosenow Head of Research Innovation, DG AGRI, European Commission
Dhanush Dinesh Founder of ClimEat
Hans Roust Thysen Head of Centre for Climate Sustainability, SEGES,Denmark
Fabien Ramos – Policy Officer Climate Change and Energy, DG CLIMA, European Commission
Valerio Abbadessa – Research Programme Officer, DG AGRI, European Commission
Jaakko Nippala – Senior Specialist, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Finland
Branwen Miles Senior Policy Advisor COPA COGECA
David Telford – Head of AgriFood, Innovate UK Knowledge Transfer Network
Nicolas Robert – Scientific Project Officer, Bioeconomy Unit, Joint Research Centre, European Commission