2nd Research Programme Meeting
12 June, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
“Progress presentation of the running projects & Valorisation Workshop”

The second FACCE ERA-GAS Research Programme Meeting “Progress presentation of the running projects & Valorisation Workshop” was held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on 12 June 2019. It brought together coordinators and partners of the 10 research projects funded through the first FACCE ERA-GAS call in 2016, as well as funders and stakeholders, and participants of the FACCE ERA-GAS Summer School. In total more than 70 persons participated in the meeting.
The objective of this 2nd Research Programme Meeting was to present the mid-term results of the 10 research projects co-funded by FACCE ERA-GAS; to discuss value creation of research results and stakeholder engagement in the FACCE ERA-GAS programme; and to address short and long term strategy for agri- and forestry GHG monitoring and mitigation inrelation to the FACCE ERA-GAS Strategic Research Agenda.
The 2nd Research Programme Meeting was organised by Wageningen University & Research, lead of Communication Work Package in FACCE ERA-GAS, with support from Teagasc (FACCE ERA-GAS Coordinator). The one-day programme was integrated in the 8th International Symposium on Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases https://www.ncgg.info/ which was held 12-13-14 June. Together with the organisers of NCGG8, an interesting itinerary for ERA-GAS consortium partners, researchers and stakeholders was put together, incorporating plenary sessions, parallel sessions, workshops and networking opportunities. The objective of the NCGG8 is to bring together scientists, experts, decision makers and stakeholders in the field of Climate Change with a view of supporting the development of efficient and effective technologies and policies aimed at decreasing the radiative forcing due to non-CO2 greenhouse gases and indirect gases and aerosols. Around 280 participants, including more than 70 related to FACCE ERA-GAS, were attending this international symposium.
Furthermore, the FACCE ERA-GAS Summer School “GHG Monitoring and Mitigation in Agriculture and Forestry” for early career researchers was organised by FACCE ERA-GAS partner FNR on 12-13-14 June. It offered an invaluable opportunity for learning and networking during the Research Programme Meeting and dedicated sessions at the NCGG8, discussing GHG methodologies and inventory development with leading scientists and benefitting from interactive sessions focussed on career development and funding opportunities. There were 19 participants from 10 countries, including non-European country New Zealand. Also, 15 participants were early career researchers from the FACCE ERA-GAS funded projects of the 2016 co-funded call. Each of the participants received either a Platinum or Gold award, covering a part of their traveling and accommodation costs. All received a certificate from FACCE ERA-GAS coordinator Frank O’Mara.
More about the projects selected for funding