
Webinar: Towards net-zero dairy supply chains

As companies throughout the dairy chain are setting targets to reduce carbon emissions, the key question is how to achieve this. In this webinar you will learn more about the why, what and how of moving towards net-zero dairy supply chains. Join Wageningen Academy and Interfood in this webinar to get a taste of the opportunities in dairy to move towards a net-zero supply chain.

Organised by Wageningen Academy
Duration 10:00 - 12:00 hours
Price Free

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Why follow this webinar?

This webinar offers you some of the latest insights in the why, what and how of reducing carbon emissions in the dairy supply chain. It also offers you the chance to interact with the speakers and with the other participants on the opportunities and challenges you see on the way towards net-zero dairy chains.

This webinar is a prelude to a 3-module course on this topic that starts in spring 2024. During the webinar we will provide more information on this course and give you the opportunity to give input on what you would like to learn in this course. What you need in your job to tackle this challenge of reducing emissions in the dairy chain?


A central element of this webinar will be to offer you a taste of the wealth of innovations and solutions that can contribute towards lowering greenhouse gas emissions in dairy supply chains. Before diving into these solutions, our experts first discuss the urgency of moving towards net-zero and hotspots along the dairy supply chain. Wageningen Academy is partnering with Interfood Sustainability, as industry sponsor of a coming course, to have a deep dive into the different options to understand and reduce the carbon footprint of the dairy supply chain.

The webinar programme focuses on the WHY, WHAT and HOW towards net-zero dairy supply chains and offer you a preview of the course that will start in 2024:

  • WHY: The urgency of net-zero strategies from a climate, supply chain and market perspectives
  • WHAT: Greenhouse gas emissions and hotspot along the dairy chain
  • HOW: Emission reduction interventions and mitigation
  • HOW: Change management
  • HOW: Monitoring of GHG emissions and interventions
  • Course information
  • Open discussion


  • Jan Hendrik Mica, Wageningen Livestock Research, specialist sustainable dairy farming and value chain
  • Theun Vellinga, Wageningen Livestock Research, senior researcher livestock and environment
  • Alfons Beldman, Wageningen Economic Research, senior researcher dairy, sustainability and entrepreneurship
  • Marco Moras, Interfood, Climate Change Manager
  • Jan Peter Lesschen, Wageningen Environmental Research, senior researcher soil and climate

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