Wise use of drained peatlands in a bio-based economy: development of improved assessment practices and sustainable techniques for mitigation of greenhouse gases.
Drained peatlands are important contributors to GHG emissions. For sound land management policies and decision making, an improved scientific knowledge base of GHG fluxes and transparent and verifiable methods for measuring and accounting for emissions reductions is needed. PEATWISE will build on past experience and interdisciplinary research to quantify emission factors from different land uses and production systems such as agriculture, silviculture, and paludiculture.
PEATWISE will develop and refine sustainable soil and water management technologies for managed peatlands to reduce GHG emissions and maintain biomass production in different land use systems. A combination of on-going long term studies carried out in different regions and studies refining or testing new innovative ideas will be used. A general water table-GHG relationship will be developed which enables land-users and land and water authorities to quantify the effects of water management mitigation technologies. Paludiculture, involving production of flooding tolerant species which can be used for biorefinery, biomaterials and bioenergy, is another mitigation option that will be tested. Soil management technologies will be tested in field trials.
PEATWISE will work with stakeholders such as farmers, policy makers and industry. Incentivising management options that reduce emissions from the use of peatlands will be essential to policy that integrates land use change in the 2030 GHG mitigation framework.
Collaborations between European and New Zealand researchers will provide opportunities for knowledge transfer across a wider peatland context than has been achieved before. PEATWISE will analyze existing incentive based policy instruments for different ecosystem services in each case study country to develop a coherent strategy that allows complementarity and bundling of governmental and private sector incentive funding schemes.
NIBIO - Norwegian Bioeconomy Research Institute
Prof. Bjørn Kløve
Project partners
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
Aarhus University, Denmark
Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands
University of Eastern Finland, Finland
University of Oulu, Finland University Of Waikato, New Zealand
Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Germany
Total requested funding
1,939,000 €
Project duration
36 months
Social media
Twitter: #peatwise
News from PEATWISE

PEATWISE still has some on-going studies but is now mainly focusing on the integration of the results into scientific papers and key message regarding GHG emission and mitigation options. To discuss different views in defining cost-efficient and sustainable mitigation options, PEATWISE organised a meeting in Berlin and an excursion to German agricultural peatlands in October 2019. A summary of mitigation options based on project results and expert judgement is under preparation, and this will later on result in policy briefs. PEATWISE has been presented for stakeholders and at national meetings to discuss peatland management options. The project is also presented at EGU2020 virtual conference with three presentations that are available on-line. The final stakeholder interviews and related policy recommendations are planned for 2020. A special issue “peatland monitoring, modelling and assessment”, is planned together with international collaborators for the journal Frontiers in Earth Science.
PEATWISE case studies
FACCE ERA-GAS PEATWISE_Case Studies_Finland.pdf
FACCE ERA-GAS PEATWISE_Case Studies_Germany.pdf
FACCE ERA-GAS PEATWISE_Case Studies_the Netherlands.pdf
FACCE ERA-GAS PEATWISE_Case Studies_New Zealand.pdf
FACCE ERA-GAS PEATWISE_Case Studies_Norway.pdf
FACCE ERA-GAS PEATWISE_Case Studies_Sweden.pdf
PEATWISE policy briefs
PEATWISE Policy Brief 1 Climate mitigation measure for drained peatlands.
Outlines the mitigation measures in testing phases, presents the PEATWISE case studies, and provides recommendations based on the results from PEATWISE study sites in 2018, a year of extreme heat and drought.
Outlines the views of stakeholders on the implications of climate neutral peatland by 2050, discussing future policy scenarios on drained peatlands.
Fact sheets on peatland use policies from different EU countries made available by PEATWISE
The PEATWISE project collected information on policies related to peatland use in Northern European countries. That information is presented in "factsheets", one per participating country.
Factsheet Denmark
Factsheet Finland
Factsheet Germany
Factsheet Netherlands
Factsheet Norway
Factsheet Sweden