Work Package 7
Short and long-term strategy on agricultural and forestry greenhouse gas monitoring and mitigation
Through the involvement of the FACCE–JPI Secretariat, this work package will integrate the work of this ERA-NET into the larger scope of FACCE–JPI and elaborate the short and long term strategy to ensure that this ERA-NET advances the FACCE–JPI Strategic Research Agenda and FACCE–JPI objectives, notably those concerning the agricultural and forestry greenhouse gas monitoring and mitigation at present and in the future. This work package will take into account the whole FACCE–JPI context as well as existing European and international initiatives and actions so as to make the necessary links and avoid duplication of work. This WP will also be responsible for proposing activities within ERA-GAS, which will be decided by the Consortium Board, other than the co-funded call and further calls without EU funding (WP6). The WP will oversee the implementation of these activities, bringing in members of the FACCE GB, SAB and StAB as relevant, and linking it with activities of other FACCE implementation actions or initiatives with which FACCE collaborates. Finally, this WP will propose follow-up actions by FACCE beyond the ERA-NET to fulfil the strategic research needs on GHG monitoring and mitigation. These will feed into future FACCE–JPI Implementation Plans and potentially into work programmes in H2020.
It aims:
- To build the short and long term strategy to ensure that ERA-GAS advances the FACCE–JPI Strategic Research Agenda and FACCE–JPI objectives.
- To ensure the coherence of ERA-GAS with other FACCE-JPI actions and especially the Multi-partner call on Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research and build links when appropriate.
- To ensure co-operation with other relevant EU infrastructures, such as ICOS and AnAEE.
- To reflect on other activities in this domain that ERA-GAS can carry out and to ensure their implementation (networking, workshops, scientific conference…).
- To ensure the links with existing European and international initiatives and actions, e.g.SCAR foresight, Global Research Alliance Livestock, Crops and Cross-cutting groups,including the Animal health and GHG network, existing and new ERA-NETs (e.g. ERA NET SusAn) and JPIs to avoid duplications and to ensure coherence with existing work.
- To prepare follow up actions financed by the EC and/or Member States.
Lead and Task leaders
Wageningen University & Research (WUR), The Netherlands (Lead)
Teagasc, Ireland (Task leader)
Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, The Netherlands (Task leader)