Kick-Off Seminar
The Kick-off seminar of the 2018 Joint Call took place on 18th November 2020. It was a pleasure to introduce the 83 attendees to the eight joint call projects. Many thanks to our great coordinators and the fantastic audience for a fruitful discussion.
The coordinators demonstrated successful transnational research that is performed by the 8 projects which are funded via from the Joint call 2018, of the three ERA-NETs SusAn, FACCE ERA-GAS and ICTAGRI 2. During the last year eight research consortia started their project within this call on “Novel technologies, solutions and systems to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of animal production systems”. The main purpose of this meeting was for the project consortia to provide insight into their ongoing research.
After the welcome word of Elke Saggau coordinator of the ERA-NET SusAn, Fran O’Mara coordinator of the ERA-NET FACCE ERA-GAS and Niels Gotke, coordinator of the ERA-NET ICT-AGRI-FOOD, we started this seminar with the presentation of Kerstin Rosenow from DG AGRI on R&I as key enablers for Farm to Fork Strategy.

After this very informative presentation, the joint call projects presented their projects.
During this kick-off seminar, we divide the 8 projects into two groups. In the two sessions, each coordinator presented their project by a three-minute pitch and was immediately followed by six minutes more detailed presentation, giving plans for the project including and plans for stakeholder engagement and dissemination. After each presentation, there was five minutes time for the audience to ask questions.
Please find below download link to the presentations of each project and the recordings of each session. Feel free to share them with your community.
Presentation of Kerstin Rosenow
Presentations of the joint call research projects: