Programme WCSG Conference
Below you can find the general programme for our past conference. A full overview including the submissions per session can be seen in "Conference Documents".
October 15th - Hotel De Wageningsche Berg
16:00 - 17:00 Early registration
Registration for hotel guests of De Wageningsche Berg
October 16th - Hotel De Wageningsche Berg
08:00 - 09:00 Registration
09:00 - 10:30 Plenary Opening
- Introduction by Dr. Verina Ingram and Dr. Judith van Leeuwen
- Opening by Prof. Joost de Laat
- WCSG Welcome speech by Prof. Simon Bush
- Interactive soundart by Remco de Kluizenaar
- Keynote by Prof. Ortwin Renn
The plenary opening will be livestreamed.
11:00 - 12:30 Parallel session round 1
- 1.1 Risk governance in sustainability transformations
- 1.2 Conceptualizing transformative sustainability change in food systems
- 1.3 The city as catalyser: non-state contributions towards just and sustainable cities
- 1.4 Governing nature, environment, and biodiversity law & policy
12:30 - 13:30 Poster session and Lunch break
13:30 - 15:00 Parallel session round 2
- 2.1 Governing societal transformation towards sustainability: Can we do it and what does it take?
- 2.2 Sustainability transitions – incremental change or system transformation..?? “ The proof is in the pudding”
- 2.3 Transformative changes through responsible business models
- 2.4 Food system transformation
15:30 - 17:00 Parallel session round 3
- 3.1 Politics of global sustainability transformation: The case of the EU Deforestation Regulation
- 3.2 Transforming wastewater governance in the context of scarcity? Reuse and circular water innovation in unexpected places
- 3.3 Co-creating value-coherent and just pathways for biodiversity and climate
- 3.4 New perspectives on the governance of sustainability transformations: Pitches by students
17:15 - 18:45 Parallel session round 4
- 4.1 Key actors for transformative change
- 4.2 Transforming wastewater governance in the context of scarcity? Reuse and circular water innovation in unexpected places
- 4.3 Governing urban and regional transformative change
- 4.4 Utilization of cultural elements in Native American Communities creating impact and sustainability for generations to come
19:00 - 23:00 Dinner followed by drinks
Unwind and network with fellow attendees while enjoying music and a touch of
magic, as transformative conversations and surprises unfold throughout the night.
With a performance of the Ceresband.
October 17th - Hotel De Wageningsche Berg
09:00 - 10:30 Parallel session round 5
- 5.1 Collegetour with Tjeerd de Groot
- 5.2 Transformative change through knowledges and interests in science policy interfaces
- 5.3 Transformative change through diverse human, more-than-human and non-human actors
- 5.4 Governing the transformative SDG agenda across sectors and levels: dealing with trade-offs and synergies between SDGs in East-Africa
- 5.5 Making practice theories practical for sustainability governance
11:00 - 12:30 Parallel session round 6
- 6.1 Elements for transformative governance – innovation, anticipation, collaboration and law?
- 6.2 Understanding sustainability transformations from a dynamic and interdependence perspective: Implications for research and practice
- 6.3 Transforming policy evaluation within a Dutch policy assessment agency: can we tackle the challenges?
- 6.4 Transformative change through citizen- and grassroot actors
- 6.5 Cross-sectoral and multi-level governance
12:30 - 13:30 Poster session and Lunch break
13:30 - 15:00 Parallel session round 7
- 7.1 Strengthening the rights of future generations: Governance tools towards tackling political myopia
- 7.3 Accountability in governing sustainability transformations
- 7.4 Transformative change pathways for biodiversity and equity
- 7.5 Policymaking for sustainable food consumption
15:30 - 17:00 Plenary roundtable discussion about Justice, Decolonization and More-than-human relations
- Dr. Farhana Sultana
- Sophie Koers
- Dr. Esha Shah
- Danielle van Oijen
- Dr. Laura Burgers
The Plenary roundtable discussion will be livestreamed.
October 18th - De Leeuwenborch, Wageningen UR
08:30 - 09:00 Bus from Hotel De Wageningsche Berg to De Leeuwenborch, Wageningen UR Campus
09:00 - 10:30 Parallel session round 8
- 8.1 Conceptualizing transformative change from different perspectives
- 8.2 Transformations via the law and reflexivity
- 8.3 How transformative is the EU Green Deal? Empirical insights into improvements in the performance of marine governance under the EU Green Deal.
- 8.4 Evaluating sustainable transformation in the oil palm sector to decrease environmental impact and increase social wellbeing in an economically viable way
- 8.5 Climate learning through gaming: A critical playthrough of the boardgame Daybreak
- 8.6 Lessons of informality for the governance of food system transformations
11:00 - 12:30 Parallel session round 9
- 9.1 The governance and politics of defining, triggering and evaluating transformative climate adaptation
- 9.2 Climate transformations and justice
- 9.3 Governing transformations through markets
- 9.4 Evaluating innovation and change
- 9.5 Climate learning through gaming: A critical playthrough of the boardgame Daybreak
- 9.6 Evaluating policy transitions and frameworks
- 9.7 Sensory Nature walk
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch break
13:30 - 15:00 Parallel session round 10
- 10.1 Relational perspectives on sustainability transformations
- 10.2 Three pathways for social networks in scaling up societal transformations towards nature positive: collaborate, challenge, disrupt
- 10.3 Transformative change through actor entanglements and relationality
- 10.4 (Re)thinking Private Consultants: Exploring Their Future (Re)directions Towards Just Transformations
- 10.5 Polycentric governance and citizen-based energy transition
- 10.6 Rethinking SDG7:Current Gaps and Future Directions of Energy Access Beyond 2030
15:15 - 16:15 Guided tour through Wageningen
- Nature & history in Wageningen walking tour with Jim van Laar (FNP)
- Decolonial walking tour in Wageningen with Emmanuel Adu-Ampong (GEO)