About WCSG Conference

The 2024 WCSG Conference will take place at the Hotel Wageningse Berg on October 16 and 17. A third day was added (Friday October 18) to the conference due to the overhelming amount of submissions. Sessions on the third day will be held on campus of Wageningen UR. Arrangements will be made to transport participants staying at Hotel Wageningsche Berg to the Wageningen campus in the morning and back to the hotel in the aftenoon.

The conference is organised by a diverse group of researchers from the Wageningen Centre of Sustainability Governance (WCSG).

Conference location information

Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant De Wageningsche Berg
Generaal Foulkesweg 96
6703 DS Wageningen
Booking & Info De Wageningsche Berg

Booking a room at Hotel Wageningsche Berg

When booking a hotel room for your stay, please contact info@frontofficewageningen.nl and include "GFC7026" in the subject.
You will receive a confirmation of the reservation via email.
It is strongly advised to reserve a room before September 1st, 2024.


To contact the organisation committee please email:

Who and what is WCSG?