Behind the Scents! A multidisciplinary approach for unveiling the protein-flavor binding mechanism
Samenvatting (Engelstalig)
Over the last few years, plant protein-based foods have encroached on meat and dairy products as consumers switch to a more plant-based diet. Notably, pulses are gaining popularity when used in innovative food products, e.g., vegan and vegetarian products, as they are an excellent source of protein. However, off-flavors reduce the consumer acceptability of such products. To tackle this issue, flavor compounds are added. However, these flavors bind (reversibly or irreversibly) to the protein, affecting their release. To address this, it is crucial to understand the interaction between plant proteins and flavor compounds. The research described in this thesis aims to investigate the effects of the structural and physicochemical properties of flavors and the protein source on the protein-flavor binding mechanism and the sensory perception of flavored plant-based aqueous model systems. This PhD thesis can be particularly interesting when designing environmentally friendly foods and adjusting flavor mixtures for optimal recipes.