
First step in the WUR shared mobility program

Published on
March 31, 2021

The charging stations have been installed on Wageningen Campus and the first electric sharecars can already be seen. It is therefore high time for the official start of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) at Wageningen University & Research (WUR) with an online event that took place on Tuesday March 30.

With this start, WUR is embarking on a journey with partner Mobility Mixx. To enable employees, students and at a later stage also other residents of the campus and the municipality of Wageningen to make use of a regional, sustainable, integrated, convenient and innovative transport concept.

The first phase of this journey is to offer electric shared cars for business trips for WUR employees. Easy to book with a Mobility Mixx app. Later in the process, bicycles and public transport will be added and the target groups will also be expanded to include students and other users.

During the event, participants received more information about this concept. Among other things, through the accompanying animation video in which ‘colleague Noah’ can be followed during various business trips. In addition, there was an interview with Annet de Haas, head of location facilities at Facilities & Services WUR and Harald Ernst, commercial director at Mobility Mixx. In which they shared their views on mobility for the coming five years. Finally, a different view on mobility was given by speaker Marco te Brömmelstroet and member of the executive board Rens Buchwaldt performed the official opening. He indicated that it was a good first step in which WUR makes the signing of the Sustainable Mobility Food Valley covenant concrete. A compilation of this webinar will be available soon.

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Mobility as a Service @ WUR

Mobility is one of the themes within WUR's sustainability and CSR policy. The keywords of WUR's mobility policy are: safe, healthy, sustainable, accessible and future-oriented. WUR aims to give sustainable travel and extra push by stimulating electric driving, cycling and the use of public transportation. This includes shared vehicles and efficient use of transportation for business purposes. We aim to reduce travel by plane and private car, especially those powered by fossil fuels. In the coming period, WUR will increase its options for sustainable and user-friendly travel. To this end, WUR has signed an agreement with a supplier of integrated MaaS solutions. MaaS stands for Mobility as a Service.