QSR Wadden Sea 2023
Within the framework of the Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Programme (TMAP) the Common Wadden Sea Secretariat (CWSS) regularly produces a Quality Status Report (QSR) of the Wadden Sea. The next report is planned for the end of 2021. In this project we contribute to the QSR2021.
The Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Programme (TMAP) is the common monitoring programme for the Wadden Sea carried out by The Netherlands, Germany and Denmark. The programme covers the entire Wadden Sea area including islands and offshore areas and spans a broad range, from physiological processes to population development, to changes in landscape and morphology. At regular intervals, the Trilateral Cooperation issues Quality Status Reports (QSRs), which are assessment reports of the Wadden Sea, related to the Trilateral Governmental Conferences. The Wadden Sea QSRs aim to provide a scientific assessment of the status of the Wadden Sea ecosystem and an evaluation of the implementation status of the trilateral Targets as formulated in the Wadden Sea Plan. The next QSR is planned for the end of 2021.
Contribution WMR
In this project, Wageningen Marine Research contributes to the QSR2021. WMR will contribute to the chapters Fish, Marine Mammals, Fisheries and Sublitoral Habitats. WMR will have the role as main author for the chapter Fish and will contribute as co-author for the other chapters. The contribution of WMR will describe Status & Trends in monitoring data, an Assessment of the current situation measured against environmental targets, and Recommendations on management and research into a contribution to the online Quality Status Report 2021.