
Milieudefensie explains: The Story behind Sueing Shell

Organised by Stichting Otherwise Wageningen

Wed 30 May 2018 20:00 to 23:00

Venue Vreemde Streken, Bevrijdingsstraat 38 6703 AA Wageningen

Why sue a multinational? On what legal ground can a case be made? What would one hope to achieve with this courtcase?
Is a new era of legal accountability for corporations on complex tragedy of the commons related issues on the horizon?

Recently Milieudefensie made headlines with the news that they would sue Shell for their perceived inaction on climate change.

During this event we want to look beyond the headlines and hear the story from Milieudefensie. Freek Bersch the head of the campaign will come to give his perspective on the actions of Milieudefensie and of Shell. We will end the evenening with a pubquiz to test your knowledge on Shell and multinationals!

Donald Pols, Director of Friends of the Earth Netherlands explains: “Shell is among the ten biggest climate polluters worldwide. It has known for over 30 years that it is causing dangerous climate change, but continues to extract oil and gas and invests billions in the search for and development of new fossil fuels.”

Come to hear more!