
Food4all festival: The kids menu

Food4All is a yearly film festival that aims to highlight the problems of our broken food system, while at the same time celebrating hopeful and inspiring alternatives. The programme features a selection of thought-provoking documentaries, followed by interactive discussions and Q&A’s with experts. Organised by FIAN, ILEIA, Otherwise, RUW and Boerengroep in cooperation with Movie W.

Organised by Stichting Otherwise Wageningen

Tue 22 November 2016 20:00 to 22:00

Venue MovieW, Wilhelminaweg 3A, Wageningen

In The Kids Menu, Joe Cross meets with experts, parents, teachers and kids and finds out that childhood obesity is a symptom of a bigger problem, a lack of knowledge of what healthy foods are and lack of access to healthy and affordable options. The film also analyses the influence of negative role models, whether a parent, teacher or a celebrity.

After the screening, an expert on food and health will answer your questions on the issues presented in the film.

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