
WUR welcomes alumni at specially built digital campus

Published on
September 15, 2021

How do you give alumni the feeling to really be on campus, in times when large-scale events are not yet possible? To make sure it doesn't become just another standard online event, we built a digital replica of the campus especially for alumni!

Because the campus is where your memories lie and therefore the perfect place to inspire, meet and network!

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We are very proud of the brand new digital campus. Even though it is digital, the Campus's iconic buildings really make you feel like you are in Wageningen!
Inge Wallage, director Corporate Communications & Marketing

New name: Wageningen Experience Day

We want to underline that very feeling of the Wageningen campus by calling the Alumni Day the 'Wageningen Experience Day' from now on.

This year's theme for the event on Saturday 2 October (15:30 to 17:00) is 'Finding Answers Together'. Because WUR wants to find solutions for the major challenges the world is facing together.

Updates by our experts

During the Wageningen Experience Day, we will share with you how we do this and how you can also contribute. Programme leaders will be available at various locatios on the digital campus to tell you more about five topics:

  1. Biodiversity - Liesje Mommer
  2. Zoonotic emergencies - Joukje Siebenga
  3. Food system approach - Ivo Demmers
  4. Nature-based solutions - Tim van Hattum
  5. Artificial intelligence - Willem Jan Knibbe

For people who want to know more, there will be more in-depth information available that day and the possibility to join live expert sessions.

Meet, discover & network

But the day has more in store than just sharing knowledge. There are plenty of opportunities to meet others and to network.

For this you can visit the brand new Omnia building. Here, study groups, Wageningen Academy and the Wageningen University Fund are ready to tell you more about their activities.

And for students who started in 1970, 1971, 1995 or 1996, it is a special anniversary year. That is why we are organising a reunion for these students in the new education building Aurora. But if you started in another year, you are also welcome here to catch up with your study friends and reminisce!

At the end of the day, you can also hear the poem about the campus for the first time ever, which is written by student and city poet Ellen van der Kolk.

Are you coming to the Wageningen Experience Day?

Curious about what the digital campus looks like, what WUR is working on and would you like to meet other Wageningen people? Then sign up and come and discover it on Saturday 2 October from 3:30 to 5:00 pm. See you then!

Yes, I'm coming to admire the digital campus

Can't make it on 2 October? The platform will remain open during the entire month of October, so sign up anyway! Then you can watch all the inspiring stories and videos when it suits you.