
Study on the use of waste streams to rear insects

Published on
June 1, 2021

Wageningen University & Research is investigating whether waste streams, which are currently barely used, may serve as feed for the breeding of insects. The study is a public-private initiative. The organic waste streams consist of food residues from restaurant kitchens, slaughterhouses and animal faeces.

Source of nutrients

The above-mentioned waste streams are a source of nutrients. Legislation, however, prohibits the use of these residues for the breeding of insects. The research focuses on the food and veterinary safety of these different organic waste streams to breed insects and, subsequently, on whether the thus bred insects are safe for human and animal consumption.

Maximum value

The Netherlands has abundant organic waste streams and the ambition to create as much value as possible from these waste streams within the food chain. Breeding insects using these waste streams may offer a partial solution for circular farming. On the condition, of course, that this is done safely and responsibly.