
Students win with sports drink for e-sportsmen

Published on
May 13, 2022

The Tiny van Boekel Prize 2022 has been awarded to the student team GAME ON: The optimal supplement for athletes. The students of GAME ON developed a sports drink for e-sportsmen. The jury was pleasantly surprised by their creativity and by the readability and scientific foundation of the advisory report.

The Tiny van Boekel Prize is the final piece of the Academic Consultancy Training (ACT) course. During this course, students learn to give advice to a client. The client of GAME ON was Victus Sports, a company that makes sports supplements. Often sports supplements are aimed at athletes; a relatively small group of people who use their muscles intensively. Therefore, Victus Sports challenged the students to develop a sports drink for e-sportsmen; a much larger group and an untapped part of the market.



Of a total of 220 student teams, 6 were eligible for the Tiny van Boekel Award; they received an average final mark of over 8.5. A three-headed jury, headed by Dean of Education Arnold Bregt, ultimately chose GAME ON. The winners receive a cheque of 500 Euros for their team and a certificate.

Prof. Tiny van Boekel

Tiny van Boekel was professor of Food Technology at Wageningen University & Research for many years. On his retirement in 2019, the ACT award was renamed the Tiny van Boekel Prize. It was the fourth time the award was presented under that name.