
Rapid Reaction Seminar on UN Food Systems Summit 2021

Published on
October 22, 2021

This Rapid Reaction Seminar was organised within the Wageningen Centre of Sustainability Governance to take place a few days after the UN Food Systems Summit (2021). With the help of experts, Hanna Schebasta (LAW), Sigrid Wertheim-Heck (ENP) and Matthew Canfield, this seminar critically reflects on the content and outcomes of the Summit from interdisciplinary perspectives.

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Reflecting on the UN Food Systems Summit

The UN Food Systems Summit will take place on 23 September 2021, during the UN General Assembly in New York. It aims “to deliver progress on all 17 of the SDGs through a food systems approach, leveraging the interconnectedness of food systems to global challenges such as hunger, climate change, poverty and inequality.” Its outcomes will have important implications not only for policymaking, but also for research activities in relevant fields.

With the help of WUR experts from Wageningen Centre of Sustainability Governance (WCSG) and other institutions, this Rapid Reaction Seminar (online event), took place a few days after the Summit on 4 October 2021, critically reflecting on its contents and outcomes.

Speakers: Hanna Schebesta (LAW), Sigrid Wertheim-Heck (ENP), Matthew Canfield (University of Leiden)