Online finals Wageningen Youth Institute 2023
On January 26, students from the Netherlands, Czech Republic and Qatar shared their advice for solving food security problems with each other and experts. This was already the sixth edition of the Wageningen Youth Institute (WYI), an initiative of the World Food Prize Foundation in the US and Wageningen University & Research.
Online talkshow and roundtable discussions
Coordinator Mirjam Troost and the WYI winner from 2018, Dennis Vlegels, hosted an online talk show from a studio. Linda Klunder of Kumasi Drinks shared her experiences with setting up a business with the waste product of the cacao bean. This talk show preceded the round table discussions.
Twentyfour secondary school students presented their advice for solving food security problems in the world, after months of working together with students from Wageningen University. The experts were impressed by the quality of the students' research.
Five students were selected to participate in the virtual Global Youth Institute of
the World Food Prize Foundation in October 2023!
- Sanem Kiran (Insula College, The Netherlands)
- Kerim Calvelo Demirkol (Homeschool, Qatar)
- Sterre Veldhuijzen (Insula College, The Netherlands)
- Matyáš Tomiška (Secondary School for administration of the European Union, Czech Republic)
- Isabelle Theunisz (Insula College, The Netherlands)
They will be able to find even more inspiration there and meet students and experts from all over the world.
Speakers and experts
The Wageningen Youth Institute wants to thank all the experts and speakers for taking the time to inspire young and old and to make WYI 2023 a success!
- Maaike Groot, East-West Seed
- Linda Klunder, Kumasi Drinks
- Eva Everloo, Peakbridge VC
- Tiny van Boekel, Wageningen University & Research
- Petra Naber, Wageningen University & Research
- Eva de Groot, Voedingscentrum
- Paula Tejada, Master student Wageningen University & Research
- Precious Akumpurira, Master student Wageningen University & Research
- Jeroen Baas, East-West Seed