
New European Marie Curie training projects approved

Published on
June 11, 2020

WUR participates in nine projects within the recent Innovative Training Network (ITN) call. In two of these projects -EATFish and TRANSIT – WUR is the coordinator. This way, we work on securing training for young researchers and professionals for the coming years.


Aquaculture is the fastest-growing sector within the nutrition industry since the seventies. At the same time, there are concerns about how we grow and ship food across the world. Sustainable aquaculture is considered the best and most viable way to cultivate sufficient seafood for human consumption while adhering to the UN sustainable development goals.

In a collaborative effort with a multidisciplinary consortium of universities, research institutes and partners from the trade and industry sector, EATFish works on innovative research. This research focusses not just on the biological and technical aspects of aquaculture, but on an integrated approach which includes the social economic and governance aspects.

Thus, the training project strives to further circularity in aquaculture, improve animal health and welfare, develop novel products, foster sustainable development within the sector and improve the skills and competences of the professionals in the sector.

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As a result of the growing consumer demand for healthy nutrition, the food industry seeks alternatives for sugar, salt and fat. Moreover, the consumer associates less processing and fewer additives with ‘healthier’. Over the past decades, tremendous efforts have been made in developing innovative and sustainable food technologies capable of delivering safe, nutritious foods with a high level of olfactory sensations to meet the consumers’ demands. The food industry currently makes minimal use of these sustainable technologies, due to the yet limited number of successful applications, control of microbiological food safety and quality and scale-up of processing equipment. Moreover, the acceptance of technologies by consumers plays an important part.

TRANSIT unites thirteen organisations from eight European countries to be trained in the possibilities that these sustainable technologies have to offer, and thus, to stimulate their use. In collaboration with industrial partners, they expand the opportunities for application and scale-up equipment. Studies on consumer acceptance support the further implementation of optimised technologies in the food industry.

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Innovative Training Network

ITN is part of the call for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) of the European Commission. ITN provides (competitive) funding of training in the field of research for doctoral programmes that are organised by networks of universities and research institutes. In addition to the abovementioned projects, WUR participates in seven other approved projects of the total of 149 programmes set to start.