
Nature-based solutions in VPRO's Tegenlicht

Published on
October 11, 2020

Wijnand Sukkel, our colleague in the Nature-based Solutions for Climate Resilient and Circular Food Systems project explains nature-based solutions at the Farm of the Future in the Dutch broadcast VPRO's future affairs-programme Tegenlicht. In the midst of the Flevopolder, innovative and practical solutions for sustainable agriculture are being devised here - in collaboration with a running farm. The aim is to inform, inspire and prepare other farmers for the future: how can agro-ecology and technology be used to achieve a future-proof farm?

As the second agricultural exporter in the world, the Netherlands is an agricultural success story. But our soil is becoming increasingly depleted and biodiversity is deteriorating. We have to change course. But how? What new ideas and technologies are there for the farmer of the future?

The COVID-19 lockdown showed just how fragile our global food system is. It is becoming increasingly clear that the food chain must become stronger, fairer and more sustainable. But when it comes to solutions, farmers, conservationists and politicians disagree with each other. Our ambition to feed the world simultaneously depletes the soil and drastically reduces biodiversity. Where can you find the new ideas and technologies that are beneficial for both farmers and nature? This episode of VPRO Tegenlicht is an exploration of the Netherlands. From strip farming to unmanned tractors and from agro-ecology to cheese without cows. How do we achieve a fairer and more sustainable food system for the farmer of the future?

Tegenlicht balances on the edge of storytelling and journalism. It focuses on the questions that arise from our globalized world in which societies, economies and cultures seek a new equilibrium.

Source: VPRO Tegenlicht