
Finding nature-based solutions together

Published on
October 30, 2020

In anticipation of the digital Climate Adaptation Summit (CAS) in January, Wageningen University & Research organised the online event 'Road to CAS'. Nature-based solutions for climate resilient and circular food systems was part of the programme.

In the recording of the online session below, project leader Annemarie Groot presents nature-based solutions for climate resilient and circular food systems (starting at 0:35:49).

Other speakers: Reinier Hille Ris Lambers & Tim van Hattum (WUR), Martin Baptist (Wageningen Marine Research), Sabine van Rooij (Nature-Based Solutions), Coenraad Krijger & Romie Goedicke (IUCN NL), Jacqueline Duiker (VBDO), Sacha Stolp (Amsterdam).

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