DE13 Proficiency test on passive sampling in water 2024
Subscription for the 2024 WEPAL-QUASIMEME laboratory performance study (LPS) for passive sampling of organic compounds in water is now open. We aim to include three sampler/compound combinations, namely silicone samplers for hydrophobic compounds, low-density polyethylene (LDPE) samplers for hydrophobic compounds and POCIS-HLB for hydrophilic compounds. Participants can subscribe to one or more sampler/compound combinations.
6th WEPAL-QUASIMEME Laboratory Performance Study (LPS) for Passive Sampling in Water
SThis is to invite you to participate in the 2024 WEPAL-QUASIMEME laboratory performance study (LPS) for passive sampling of organic compounds in water. We aim to include three sampler/compound combinations.
- hydrophobic compounds in silicone samplers
- hydrophobic compounds in low-density polyethylene (LDPE) samplers
- hydrophilic compounds in POCIS-HLB
Participants can subscribe to one or more sampler/compound combinations.
This study can proceed if we reach a minimum of 15 participants in order to keep the costs within limits. For each compound/sampler combination a minimum of 10 participants is required, to ensure sufficient statistical power.

Benefit of participation
Analytical errors have been identified as a major source of passive sampling uncertainty, both for hydrophobic and hydrophilic compounds (Booij et al. 2016 and Vrana et al. 2016). An evaluation of previous rounds of the present study was recently published in Environmental Science and Technology (Booij et al. 2024).
Participants can compare their performance with others, and can demonstrate the quality of their analytical methods to funding agencies and customers. Participation is strictly anonymous through the use of lab codes. Participating laboratories only know their own lab code and are free to communicate this code to the outside world or not.

Target compounds
The initial selection of target compounds is based on experience from previous rounds of the present LPS (see link below for the full list). Participants may suggest additional compounds. These will be included if a sufficient number of results can be expected. Reporting results for all compounds is not mandatory.
The LPS is organized on a cost-neutral basis without external funding.
Participation cost is as follows:
one sampler/compound combination (e.g., only hydrophobic compounds in silicone) | EUR 900 |
two sampler/compound combinations (e.g., hydrophobic compounds in LDPE and hydrophilic compounds in POCIS-HLB) | EUR 1400 |
three sampler/compound combinations | EUR 1900 |
How to subscribe
Send an e-mail to wepalquasimeme@wur.nl before 22 JUN 2024, with CC to keesbooij@pasoc.eu.
Specify if you wish to participate for silicone samplers, LDPE samplers, and/or POCIS-HLB.
Specify the sample delivery address, contact person, and invoice address.
Intended time schedule
22 JUN 2024 | participant subscriptions received |
25 JUN 2024 | informing subscribed laboratories if the LPS for the preferred sampler/compound combination can proceed |
1 NOV 2024 | sample dispatch to participants |
28 FEB 2025 | data submission deadline |
30 APR 2025 | report ready |
Further information
Contact keesbooij@pasoc.eu if you need further information on this study.
This study is organized by WEPAL-QUASIMEME, with support from Bran Vrana (RECETOX) and Kees Booij (PaSOC).