
Czech ‘FutEUre Burger’ winner of the Ideal Burger Challenge for pupils

Published on
May 20, 2021

On 19 May Czech participants Eliška Chocholová, Eliška Matušová and Jakub Jenšovský, from high school Stredni odborna skola pro administrativu Evropske unie, were crowned the winners of the Ideal Burger Challenge of the Wageningen Youth Institute with their FutEUre Burger. The jury was very impressed with the additional ingredients they added to their burger (adding not only spices, but also vegetables such as zucchini), their online presentation and their strong commercial video.

Closure event

During the closing event of the Ideal Burger Challenge, five of the eleven teams were allowed to present their burger to the other participants in this challenge. Students from Croatia, Sweden, the Netherlands, Spain and the Czech Republic participated.


After these five groups presented their own burger, the jury was given the difficult task of selecting a winner. The jury consisted of:

  • Hanna van den Heuvel (MSc student Environmental Sciences at WUR)
  • Laura Kessels (WUR graduate, double degree MSc Nutrition & Health and MSc Food Technology)
  • Atze Jan van der Goot (professor of Food Process Engineering at WUR)
  • Mendelt Tillema (co-founder of UmaMeats)

The jury explained that they found it difficult to select a winner and praised all groups for both their commitment and various end-results. Still, the jury was most impressed by the Czech FutEUre Burger, presented by Eliška Chocholová, Eliška Matušová and Jakub Jenšovský.

All participating pupils in this challenge will receive a certificate of attendance. The three winners will also each receive a Wageningen University T-shirt.

Worldwide Ideal Burger Challenge

Although this challenge round has now ended, it is only the beginning of a worldwide Ideal Burger Challenge. Together with the organization of the Youth World Food Day, Wageningen Youth Institute is challenging secondary school students from all over the world to participate in this Ideal Burger Challenge.

  • The online kick-off workshop for teachers will be held at 2 June, 4 – 5 pm CEST.
  • The online workshops for pupils will be held at 10 June, 3 – 4.15 pm CEST and 16 September, 3 – 4.15 pm CEST.
  • The deadline to hand in the Challenge is on 27 September 2021.
  • The closure session will be held at the Youth World Food Day event in Ede on Saturday 16 October. An accompanying online feed will also be available on this day.

FutEUre Food

The participating pupils attend secondary schools that exchange within the FutEUre Food project. This is an innovative Erasmus + project with five different European schools:

  • Insula College Locatie Halmaheiraplein, the Netherlands
  • Aoiz I Sociedad Cooperativa (Liceo Monjardin), Spain
  • Stredni odborna skola pro administrativu Evropske unie, Czech Republic
  • Srednja skola Bedekovcina, Croatia
  • Lundellska skolan, Sweden