
A look back on the Elsevier-WUR event

Published on
July 5, 2021

On June 4, the WUR and Elsevier organised an online panel discussion ‘Quality control in Open Science publishing: Challenges, solutions and way forward’. It brought together 80 WUR researchers to discuss opportunities and challenges that arise during the transition to Open Science.

Open Science publishing challenges

In their introduction, Elsevier and WUR presented their vision of publishing in the era of Open Science. They also reflected on the consequences for the quality of publications. The panellists discussed urgent topics such as predatory and questionable journals, opportunities for Open Access in developing countries, costs of Open Access and modernisation of the peer-review process.

Event summary & video

The online webinar was attended by 80 people. This alone is a huge success. But, the level of discussion was also exceptionally high and engaging for such a large group.

  • Re-watch the whole event & discussion at the Elsevier Research Academy (click on the blue  ‘Stay up-to-date’ button and login with your Elsevier Academy account).

Way forward

WUR remains strongly committed to Open Science developments and will continue to strive to make scientific publications available through Open Access (WUR Strategic Plan 2019-2022, p.15). WUR's Open Science and Education Programme (OSE) facilitates and stimulates its researchers and teachers to put open science into standard practice. The OSE Programme focuses on Open Access, FAIR research data, Citizen Science, Outreach to the public, Open Education and Recognition & Rewards.

We sincerely welcome you to share your ideas and comments with us!