Launch of FACCE ERA-GAS Greenhouse Gas Research Projects

Dr Frank O’Mara, Coordinator of FACCE ERA-GAS (Teagasc): “International cooperation is urgently needed to tackle the global challenge posed by climate change and food security. Efforts are required to increase the GHG efficiency of food, feed and fuel, enhance carbon sinks and refine national inventories. Through transnational research, the FACCE ERA-GAS projects will develop innovative mitigation and monitoring solutions that extend beyond the local context”.
Scientists from across Europe and New Zealand gathered on Tuesday October 10th and Wednesday, October 11th to commence new research projects to develop solutions to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agriculture and forestry and improve national GHG inventories. The 1st Research Programme Meeting of FACCE ERA-GAS has taken place in Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands. At the meeting, ten new research projects funded in the 2016 FACCE ERA-GAS Joint Call were officially launched.
Dr Christine Bunthof, Wageningen University and Research and FACCE-JPI Secretariat partner, said: “The ERA-NET Cofund instrument provides the researchers of participating countries the opportunity to work in transnational consortia, which are smaller than average H2020 projects and are also easier to manage. The programme complements national research on the one hand and Horizon 2020 programmes on the other hand”.
The 1st FACCE ERA-GAS Research Programme Meeting was hosted by Wageningen University and Research from 10th-11th October 2017 and included an exciting programme of events to launch the new projects and provide opportunities for networking with research funders and stakeholders.
Information on the ten FACCE ERA-GAS projects is available at the ERA-GAS website.

The project coordinators of the selected ERA-GAS projects and the Research Programme Meetings' organising team.
Researchers in the spotlight with projects funded through jointly programmed calls
One of the aims of joint programming is aligning research & research funding and this usually results in a joint call to which proposals can be submitted. In a series of interviews, researchers from Wageningen University and Research present their granted projects from such joint calls.