SG - Reframing Through Form: From Scientific Publication to Zine

[Due to unforeseen circumstances, this workshop is cancelled]
Workshop by Jackie Ashkin

How can we re-frame scientific knowledge through form? Formal publications still play an important role in scientific communities, but in recent years there has been growing interest in presenting scientific research otherwise. In this workshop we will experiment with the other fruitful forms the contents of a paper might take by re-forming the narratives and knowledge of climate from scientific abstracts into zines.

21:00 to 22:00, 21 May - Impulse

About Jackie Ashkin

Jackie Ashkin is a Netherlands-based spoken word artist and researcher. Half-Malaysian and half-American, her writing draws on twenty-something years of experience living between and across cultures. Join her for a lyrical tour of intrusive thoughts and hot news items as she tries to make sense of a world falling apart at the seams – without getting too sad about it.

Jackie Ashkin - Photo by by Evelina Kvartunaite
Jackie Ashkin - Photo by by Evelina Kvartunaite