
New! Tuesday Take-aways

On the 5th of September, Student Training & Support launches a new initiative. “Tuesday Takeaways”, short weekly workshops for students on prevalent and relatable issues. For instance: week planning and prioritising your To-Do list.

Heleen Franssen - the new STS Coordinator - will tell you more about it.

Introducing Heleen - the new coordinator of STS

As of this summer Heleen Franssen assumed the role of coordinator of Student Training & Support while also continuing her position as project coordinator of Surf your Stress. Perhaps you have already met her as a (former) Peer Coach, writing coach, host/organiser of the Exam Study weeks, or from the “No WURries” Student Support group which started in the previous academic year’s second half.

She initially started at WUR in 2019 as a student of Environmental Sciences, making her well-acquainted with student life in Wageningen. Shortly after the launch of Student Training & Support in 2020 she became part of the team as a Peer Coach; she has been involved with Student Training & Support since its beginnings.

Heleen: “I still feel closely connected to student life and can therefore easily empathise and engage with our target audience. Student Training & Support has now transitioned beyond its initial stages – spanning two years of Covid and one ‘regular’ year. Now is the time for the next step in actively tailoring our program to the wants and needs of our students.”