
Fruit or vegetable postharvest value chain assessment method 

Method to make a technical assessment of an existing value chain for postharvest performance and provide recommendations for optimisation.

The insights generated by means of this method will indicate where there are information gaps in relation to food loss including, for example, the estimated percentage of losses and their causes. It is therefore a starting point for designing loss reducing interventions for postharvest optimisation. 

What type of insights does the methodology generate?

  • Efficiency of current postharvest handling
  • Gaps in current handling that result in food loss and quality loss
  • Potential for improvement, loss reduction in specific areas of attention
  • How long, from the moment of harvest, does it take for produce to be conditioned to optimal temperature and RH?
  • How are all postharvest steps exactly performed? These include product handling and temperature, RH and time management
  • What is the quality of equipment/ materials and its suitability for the product?
  • What are the knowledge levels of workers and management staff?
  • What is the efficiency of the postharvest process?
  • What are the potential causes of food loss during the postharvest handling?
  • What are the potential causes of food loss due to peak harvest and lack of short/ midterm storage?
  • What is the company policy?
  • Insights into the gaps that have been identified and recommendations that can be implemented in intervention design aimed at food loss reduction and quality improvement