Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS Institute)
AMS Institute is an internationally leading institute where talent is educated and engineers, designers, and both natural and social scientists jointly develop and valorise integrated metropolitan solutions. The mission of AMS Institute is to develop a deep understanding of the city – sense the city – to design solutions for its challenges, and integrate these into the city of Amsterdam. This is done through three main activities: education, research & valorisation, and data.
Together with Delft University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Wageningen University & Research is the academic heart of AMS Institute. We closely collaborate on research assignments, education opportunities and establishing a data platform.
News about AMS projects
Institute of WUR, TU Delft, and MIT for Urban Innovation Celebrates 10th Anniversary
12 June 2024 - category_news - The Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions, or AMS Institute, is celebrating its ten-year anniversary. This joint knowledge institute of Wageningen University & Research (WUR), Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has, over the years, grown into a leader in developing science-based solutions for urban challenges. -
The City of Amsterdam and AMS Institute take an important step in continuing partnership
19 June 2023 - category_news - Last Thursday, June 15, the Mayor of Amsterdam (Femke Halsema) and the Presidents of the Executive Boards of Wageningen University & Research (Sjoukje Heimovaara) and TU Delft (Tim van der Hagen) visited AMS Institute. The visit revolved around the signing of the letter of intent between the City of Amsterdam, TU Delft (TUD) and Wageningen University & Research (WUR) for the next phase of AMS Institute. -
Bio-based construction getting into gear: from a Wageningen lab to practical application in Amsterdam
10 February 2023 - Background - Circular and bio-based building materials are gaining ground. Wageningen University & Research (WUR) and Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS Institute) are joining forces in the field of bio-based construction. Together, WUR and AMS Institute (which WUR is a founding partner of) have set up several collaborative projects in order to accelerate the pace of bringing construction innovations, like bio-based asphalt, from the lab into practice and to test them in public space. This is a crucial stage in the innovation process before scaling up becomes possible. -
A green city for everyone
03 September 2021 - Longread - How can we ensure that all inhabitants benefit from nature in the city? Various researchers of Wageningen University & Research are seeking to answer this question. ‘We want as many people as possible to benefit from green cities, which is why the social aspect must feature high on the agenda of climate adaptation and urban nature projects.’ -
Open Bajes plan wins international design competition for Bijlmerbajes
31 August 2018 - category_news - The Open Bajes plan is the winner of the international competition Design the Ultimate Urban Greenhouse - a plan for the 21st-century redevelopment of the Bijlmerbajes former prison in Amsterdam. The winning design by the GreenWURks team from Wageningen comprises a sustainable green oasis for the local production of vegetables, run mainly by local residents. -
Sensometer Climate Station
19 May 2016 - Other - Tsukuba Art Centre in Japan invited LfM to realise an art installation in Fureai no Sato Park in the context of a residency programme. The installation consisted out of a small weather house mounted on top of a Meiji-era baggage cart, which housed a monitor showing a vertical, split-screen video. Prior to the project’s presentation, LfM interviewed and filmed visitors and asked them to recount a moment in their life when they felt a ‘wind chill’ due to an emotional experience.
Projects of Wageningen University & Research in AMS Institute
Flagship 4: Circularity by Design
01 January 2022 - Project - Within the Flagship project Circularity by Design, we apply (re)design principles to develop a sustainable agrifood system within the Amsterdam metropolitan region. We test and develop different instruments in various Living Labs, to achieve high-quality reuse of food (waste) streams. In this project, we collaborate with the AMS institute, 12 different disciplines within WUR, and several local partners in Amsterdam. -
The Feeding City
09 January 2017 - Project - The Feeding City — a collaborative research programme between the AMS Institute, municipality of Almere, province of Flevoland and Aeres University of Applied Sciences — is embedded on the Flevo Campus, thus facilitating opportunities for research, education and entrepreneurship relating to the ‘Food and the City’ theme. The programme objective is to innovate the urban food system by working closely with the business community, institutions and residents from the city and the surrounding region. -
Research programme: The urban Nexus of food, water, energy and the environment
07 June 2016 - Project - This research programme at ENP aims to study the connections and trade-offs between the provisioning of water, energy and food in urban areas. We conceptualize this interdependence as the urban Nexus. -
Smart Urban Retrofitting of Housing Estates in China and the Netherlands
27 May 2016 - Project - Urban retrofitting, the redesign of buildings to increase energy performance, is a key policy for the global energy transition. The energy use in domestic practices that are affected by urban retrofitting are central in this project, next to the identification of the (new) social relations amongst and between households and housing and energy providers that come along with them. The project entails a comparative multiple case study of smart urban retrofitting projects in the Netherlands and China. Relevant stakeholders: residents, project initiators, local authorities, housing corporations, and grid operators will be interrogated on the set up, governance and implementation of these projects in Amsterdam and in Mianyang. -
The Urban Nexus of the Environmental Flows of Water, Energy and Food
26 May 2016 - Project - Cities are becoming increasingly more populated and rapid urbanization is taking place all around the world. This requires larger supplies of input and output resources to sustain human and urban needs. Water, Energy and Food (WEF) have long been acknowledged as essential inputs to feed cities. -
PhD I Voskamp - Systemic understanding of Urban Water and Energy flows for the design of Green Blue Infrastructure
14 December 2015 - Project - The PhD research of Ilse Voskamp builds upon the AMS Urban Pulse and is co-supervised by Sven Stremke of the Landscape Architecture Chair Group, Wageningen UR. The other supervisors involved are Jan Vreeburg and Huub Rijnaarts (promotor) of the sub-department of Environmental Technology, Wageningen UR. In this PhD research, a model will be developed that can provide insight in a cities resource flows, to inform resource efficient design of our cities. -
11 December 2015 - Project - In an interdisciplinary cooperation of landscape architects, urban climatologists and GIS specialists we work on a tool that helps citizens and municipalities to take fast action on urban climate adaptation via a smartphone app- the CLIMADAPTOOL. -
Urban Pulse
04 August 2015 - Project - The aim of this project is to assist in the progress towards circular urban metabolism by understanding spatial and temporal dynamics of natural resources flows through the city of Amsterdam.