Agro-Chain greenhouse gas Emissions calculator – (ACE calculator)
The ACE calculator tool calculates the carbon footprint of supplied food products. It describes the effects of direct GHG emissions along the chain (including effects of inputs) as well as effects of food losses and waste (which result in extra demand for production and other GHG emissions).
By comparing scenarios, e.g. comparing current supply chain with supply chain with food loss and waste (FLW) reducing intervention, the ACE methodology can calculate the effect of a FLW intervention on the net GHG emissions per unit of supplied food.
By providing a large set of typical data (that can be used as estimates for values that are unknown to the user), calculations can be made based on minimum primary data.
The tool was developed in Excel. The user-interface worksheet guides the user in the specification of essential parameters for the system/supply chain in scope. This specification, combined with default parameter values provided in the tool, is used by the calculator, resulting in an estimate for the carbon footprint of the product at the end of the specified chain.
The estimates/secondary data provided by the calculator can be overwritten with more specific values when available, thus making the calculations more accurate.
The tool relies largely on secondary data (unless the user can provide more specific values); the result may therefore be considered an accurate estimate of the final product’s carbon footprint.
What type of insights does the methodology generate?
- Estimates of GHG emissions induced by post-harvest FLW.
- Estimates of GHG emissions induced at different supply chain stages, including specification to input related GHG emissions (e.g. from electricity use, packaging material use, transport, etc.).
- Comparing estimates of GHG emissions in current scenario and scenario with FLW reducing intervention in place.