
TRED conference 2023: Inspire Monday - programme details

Organised by Wageningen Institute for Environment and Climate Research (WIMEK)

Mon 12 June 2023 14:00 to 16:30

Venue Online

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Target group Inspire Monday: researchers and educators

What inspiring, collaboration in a virtual world
How online afternoon event, plenary, interactive moments, breakout rooms
Who for anyone who has connection to the internet on the basics and tools of transdisciplinarity and the role of virtual tools for (international) cooperation
Why providing opportunities and lowering the threshold for international participation by easing accessibility

Programme Inspire Monday

Download Programme Inspire Monday in pdf - update 31 May

14:00 Opening speech Moderator: Simone Ritzer (Wageningen Dialogues, WUR)
14:15 Hot topics in transdisciplinary collaborations Gabriele Bammer (ANU), Arjen Wals (WUR), and Fréjus Thoto (ACED)
15:00 Breakout session Transdisciplinary Inspirations
15:20 BREAK
15:30 Discussion Streams:
Transdisciplinary Collaborations in Digital Times Silvana Juri (Carnegie Mellon School of Design); Ilja Beudel (Het Groene Brein); Moderator: Jillian Student (WIMEK, WUR)
Collaborative Learning and Education Anke de Vrieze (CUCo) and Gemma O'Sullivan (EWUU Alliance/tdAcademy); Moderator: Peter Vermeulen
Repoliticizing Transdisciplinary Research and Learning Annisa Triyanti (Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, UU) and Jessica Duncan (Rural Sociology, WUR); Moderator: Corinne Lamain (CUCo)
16:15 Moving Forward
16:30 Closing of Inspire Monday


Simone Ritzer Simone Ritzer is a true connector between science and society, as coordinator of the Wageningen Dialogues programme at Wageningen University & Research (the Netherlands). She brings together people with different backgrounds, disciplines and values through deep conversations and explorative dialogue. All to create better understanding of each other, to solve the complex challenges of this time together.
Gabriele Bammer Professor Gabriele Bammer is Professor of Integration and Implementation Sciences (i2S) at The Australian National University. She develops improved theory and methods for tackling complex societal and environmental problems that will enable diverse disciplines and stakeholders to work together to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the problem, generate ideas about addressing it, and support improved policy and practice responses by government, business and civil society. This builds on her foundational open-access book Disciplining Interdisciplinarity: Integration and Implementation Sciences for Researching Complex Real-World Problems (ANU E Press, 2013; Since 2015 she has also curated the popular Integration and Implementation Insights blog and repository (, which is a platform for sharing resources and building a global community of researchers tackling complex problems.
Arjen Wals Arjen Wals is Professor of Transformative Learning for Socio-Ecological Sustainability at Wageningen University in The Netherlands and Guest Professor on Whole School Approaches to Sustainability at the Norwegian Life Sciences University and at KINDNOW at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. He also holds the UNESCO Chair of Social Learning and Sustainable Development. His teaching and research focus on designing learning processes and learning spaces that enable people to contribute meaningfully sustainability. He holds a PhD in natural resources and the environment from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and has an Honorary Doctorate from Gothenburg University in Sweden. He maintains a blog at
Fréjus Thoto Fréjus Thoto is the Executive Director of ACED, a think-and-do tank that operates in West Africa. ACED combines research, policy and local action to reduce poverty and hunger in the most vulnerable communities. Fréjus Thoto also works for the World Bank on establishing and facilitating knowledge management platforms in the Gulf of Guinea and Sahel countries. His work is about supporting countries and institutions in generating and sharing knowledge about relevant development issues.
Silvana Juri Silvana Juri holds a PhD in Transition Design from Carnegie Mellon University (USA) and a MA in Sustainable Design from the University of Brighton (UK). Currently, she is a Research Associate at SARAS Institute (Uruguay) and is one of the coordinators of SARAS Transition Lab. As a design-researcher, she explores how food and its many dimensions can contribute to large sustainability transitions by design. Her work seeks to support the co-creation of more sustainable futures through transdisciplinary processes. Her interests and experience revolve around collaboration, creative and generative methods, systems change, pluriversal transitions, transdisciplinarity and food system transformations. (also, my SARAS profile is at
Anke de Vrieze Anke de Vrieze studied Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Amsterdam. In addition, she took professional training in bio-dynamic farming. This interest brought her to the Rural Sociology Group at Wageningen University, where she coordinated a European research and training network around sustainable-placing and discovered a passion for designing and enabling meaningful research collaborations. She’s co-founder of Re.imaginary and the WUR Transformative Learning Hub, and works for one day per week as engagement coordinator at the Centre for Space Place and Society. She joined the CUCO team in September 2022 as Knowledge and Learning Officer. In this capacity, she seeks to support teams in effectively collaborating across disciplines and fostering learning across projects.
Gemma O'Sullivan Gemma O'Sullivan is a transdisciplinary, challenge-driven education specialist with extensive academic leadership experience. She is currently Senior Research Associate at the EWUU Alliance of Dutch universities (Eindhoven University of Technology, Wageningen University & Research, Utrecht University and University Medical Centre Utrecht). In this role, she is investigating challenge-based learning within a trans-university alliance context. She is a former editor and columnist on Irish and British national newspaper titles including the Guardian, the Sunday Times and the Irish Examiner and began her academic career as a lecturer in media and communications.
Jessica Duncan Jessica Duncan is a researcher and educator committed to social justice. Having completed her PhD in Food Policy from City University London (2014), she now works as Associate Professor in Rural Sociology at Wageningen University. Jessica is widely recognized for her expertise on the politics of sustainable food system transition. Her main research focus concerns the practices and politics of participation in food policy processes, particularly the relationships (formal and non-formal) between governance organizations, systems of food provisioning, the environment, and the actors engaged in and across these spaces. Jessica was one of the founding board members of CUCo.
Annisa Triyanti Annisa Triyanti is an Assistant Professor of Disaster and Climate Risk Governance for Sustainability at the Environmental Governance Group, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development. Her research focuses on addressing water-related disasters in coastal and delta regions, especially in the Asian Region (Indonesia, Vietnam, India). Social capital, an ecosystem approach and community-based disaster risk management are the focus of her attention. Annisa identifies factors of successful disaster risk reduction and explores new ways to improve its governance. In addition to applying transdisciplinary approaches in her research processes and educational activities, Annisa also studies transdisciplinary science. She is currently the contact point for a web-based guide to conduct transdisciplinary science called the Pathways to Sustainability-Transdisciplinary Field Guide.
Ilja Beudel Ilja is the program manager of Social Circulair, a program from the organization Het Groene brein (The Green Brain). She has expertise in the fields of organizing, transition, inclusion, storytelling, volunteers and the circular society. Last year she developed a Practical guide about Working Transdisciplinary: PraktijkgidsTransdisciplinair werken - Community Sociaal Circulair. The community Sociaal Circulair (Social Circularity) sees working transdisciplinary as a method to speed up transitions.