
The Future is Water

Extreme weather conditions, natural disasters, the failure of climate mitigation & adaptation, and water crises are some of the most likely and impactful current risks. The availability of water for agriculture is jeopardized by climate change. Globally, we are increasingly seeing that droughts and floods threaten our food production.

Organised by Wageningen Campus

Thu 10 October 2024 15:45 to 18:00

Venue Impulse, building number 115
Stippeneng 2
6708 WE Wageningen
+31 (0) 317 - 482828

Wageningen University & Research (WUR) and other knowledge partners play a key role in addressing these challenges and developing policies. Additionally, the Wageningen Campus is a place where innovative startups are encouraged to accelerate. This is crucial because 60% of our global water shortages must be solvedthrough new technologies.

This Campus Connect event on Water is intended as an inspiring gathering, offering a glimpse into the operations of two water tech companies and several current water projects on campus, all focused on Food & Water Security. As Sjoukje Heimovaara (President of the Executive Board of WUR) aptly put it, "without action, no water, no food for the future."

You are cordially invited on Thursday October 10, 2024 in Impulse, Stippeneng 2, Wageningen Campus. Please register via the button below.

15.45 Registration
16.00 Introduction by Annelies Schenk, KMM Water Consulting
Raphael Fredon, Sr. Business Development Manager Circular Water Technologies at WFBR: The SeaHydrogen approach – an integrated solution linking water availability to minerals and energy.
Tiemen Nanninga, Director at LeAF: Explanation of innovation and pilot projects focused on local recovery of resources and wastewater treatment, including the PPS Nutrient Cycle Closure from Wastewater and Process Water (KNAP).
Water Technology Pitches:
Pitch 1: Alexander van der Kleij, CEO of SolarDew – Creating impact by providing sustainable solutions to drinking water problems.
Pitch 2: Kirsten Dekkers, R&D Manager of WaterIQ International – The Value of Water.
17.00 Interactive discussion amongst audience and the water experts
17.15 Networking drinks
18.00 End