
StudyLab - Procrastination

*From Procrastination to Productivity: Master Your Time*

Do you want to stay on top of deadlines, feel in control, and manage your time with confidence?

Procrastination is something we all face, especially when juggling multiple responsibilities and expectations as a student.

But what if you could learn to handle this frustrating habit better?

Organised by Student Training & Support

Tue 10 September 2024 12:30 to 13:30

Duration Every week, same time, same place, NEW topic |Also in Study Week and in Exam Week
Room Forum Library - Room 366: enter library and take stairs at your left hand
Price Free

Join us in the weekly StudyLab

Each StudyLab session begins with a brief introduction by an expert trainer, who explains the science behind procrastination and shares strategies for overcoming it.

During the following work session, you'll discover personalised techniques to increase productivity and improve focus. Inspired by the trainer and participants —all seasoned procrastinators- you will learn first-hand what works for you.

Let's take the first step towards conquering procrastination together. Gain some tools and insights that will improve your academic performance and contribute to your overall well-being.

Procrastination: A Monster with Many Faces

Each week, we tackle procrastination from a different perspective. Some approaches will resonate with you more than others, and that's perfectly fine. There's no need to register for the StudyLab sessions; drop by and join us.

Welcome to a more productive, less stressed version of you!