Training course

Living with Pain - Leven met Pijn

*This course is in DUTCH. Switch language to NL to read text in Dutch.*

Are you a student experiencing chronic pain and/or fatigue? It can significantly disrupt your life and your plans for the future. It also affects your confidence in your body and your perceived quality of life.

Do you wish to learn how to manage your pain and fatigue symptoms differently so that you can once again enjoy life? If so, then please read on.

Organised by Student Training & Support
Venue Groot Nergena (Building no 111), Dr. W. Dreeslaan 1. Bennekom
Price Free

Suffering = Pain x Resistance

Experiencing constant pain can be extremely frustrating. It leaves you feeling powerless, angry, scared, or sad, and your deepest desire is to live a life free from pain. You might find yourself thinking, 'If only I could overcome this pain, then I could truly live the life I want.'

Often, long-term pain (or fatigue) symptoms lack a clear solution. Physically, the pain may no longer have an apparent cause, but that doesn't diminish the way you feel it. What doesn't help you progress is constantly battling your pain. In fact, it often backfires, as your ongoing struggle makes it increasingly challenging to focus on the things that truly matter to you.

In this training, you will discover how to generate energy by letting go of the fight and embracing the presence of pain or fatigue in your life. You will also learn how to manage this newfound energy and channel it towards the aspects of your life that hold value for you.

For Whom?

This program is designed for students experiencing pain or fatigue symptoms that impede their daily functioning. These symptoms may include conditions such as CANS/RSI, Long-COVID issues, tension headaches, persistent symptoms following a concussion, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue/overexertion, or fibromyalgia.

Over six two-hour sessions, we will explore various topics, including:

  • Which factors affect your symptoms, perpetuate or exacerbate them, such as personality traits and your social environment?
  • Distinguishing between 'clean' pain and 'dirty' pain, and understanding how your thoughts, underlying beliefs, emotions, and behavior influence your pain and fatigue symptoms.
  • Finding balance in your life – discovering what energizes you and what depletes your energy, both physically and mentally, and how to establish a balance that suits you.
  • Sensitization – understanding how repeated pain stimuli create 'elephant paths' between nerve cells, leading to increased sensitivity to pain. We will explore techniques to recalibrate this hypersensitive system.
  • Providing space for addressing your specific themes.

Register here

Practical Information

Group size Max. 8 participants
Sessions 6 sessions van 2 hours + possibly a follow-up meeting after about 6 weeks
NB You will receive a short questionnaire so the trainer can determine if the training suits your help needs.
Study material Buy the book: ‘Leven met Pijn’ and have it available at the start of the training course.
Info or questions Send an e-mail to