
Exam Study Weeks

The exam (or resit) weeks are coming up; how is your exam prep going? Could you use some extra help to stay motivated or to get going? Would you like to speak to a Peer Coach, or just study together?

Why don't you join us in the Exam Study Weeks? Free of charge, full of support & the consolation of shared effort.

Organised by Student Training & Support
Duration CANCELED | 24-28 June; 1-5 July; 8,9,10 & 15,16 July 2024 | walk-in from 8:30h - plenary start 9:30h
Room Forum
Price Free

Are you preparing for exams - or resits - and could you use some extra help? Why don't you join us in the Exam Study Weeks? You can register for the whole week or just for one or more days.

Update June-July 2024

Unfortunately, we had to decide to cancel the Exam Study Weeks for June-July 2024. The actual daily participation is too small, 0 – 2 students per day. We expect this number will not grow the coming days, weeks. This way we cannot meet the set goals: you can work on the goals you set for that day in a small group in a quiet setting.

What we do want to offer instead is:
* 1-on-1 support from one of the peer coaches.
* a peer coach is also available every day for the lunch walk: get out for a while,
clear your head and, if necessary, find a listening ear. Just send an e-mail
before 9.30 am of the same day (preferably earlier!)

E-mail to ESW

What do we offer?

  • Daily routine (joint start, breaks etc.)
    08:30h - Door open
    - Plenary start
    We will discuss study strategies, and set goals for ourselves.
    12:30h - 13:30h - Lunch break
    13:30h - 18:00h - the room will be available until 18:00 for studying.
  • Study room with pleasant atmosphere
  • Support from peer coaches
  • Mini-workshops - such as 'study techniques', 'exam taking', 'goal setting', 'motivation', 'dealing with stress'.
  • On demand 1-on-1 meeting with a peer coach to work on your study skills.

Group size Max. 15 participants
Language Dutch/English
Duration Registration per day is possible
Cost Free of charge; offered by Student Training & Support