dr. ME (Meghann) Ormond
Associate ProfessorFollow me on:
Meghann Ormond (PhD in Geog., Univ. of St Andrews, UK, 2011; PgDip in Geog., Univ. of Lisbon, Portugal, 2005; BA in Middle Eastern Studies and Geog., Univ. of Colorado-Boulder, USA, 2002) is Associate Professor in Cultural Geography.
As a cultural geographer and immigrant commited to engaging with travel's transformative potential, Meghann is deeply invested in and concerned with how differently-mobile people's roots, rights and vulnerabilities are recognised and included in the places they visit and in which they live. Her research focuses on how shifting visions and practices of citizenship and belonging impact transnational mobility, heritage, health and care relationships.
Meghann uses transformative, participatory and arts-based approaches throughout her research and teaching. She is co-coordinator of the CSPS Transformative Learning Hub at WUR as well as the WASS PhD course 'Transformative & Participatory Qualitative Research Approaches & Methods' (TPAR). She co-developed the Centre for Unusual Collaboration's (CUCo) Spark interdisciplinary research training programme for early and mid-career scholars and, in her capacity as a CUCo Board member, helped develop this EWUU initiative's vision and mission. She is also a member of the Wageningen Young Academy.
In her work outside of the University, she is the Roots Guide's curator and scientific coordinator, co-founder of Migrantour Utrecht, and an active member of the Migrantour network. She is also on the editorial board of Current Issues in Tourism.
For more information about her research lines, publications, and her teaching and supervision at Wageningen University & Research, visit her website. She can also be found on LinkedIn, Research Gate and Academia.edu.